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Location: memphis, tennessee, United States

53-year-old's journey of head, heart, and feet.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

well, i'm just cranking out work to be off tomorrow, bill will have saturdays off from now until he retires unless he decides to work overtime. He has had Wednesdays for years and now we will have full weekends together for the first time ever.....I joke and tell him its better that he had the weekend off now, because if he had had it early on, we'd probably would have had 6 or more kids and we'd never be able to retire.......going to see my Dad tonight if he is still in hospital, haven't seen him since he went in because I learned the "routine" when Mrs. Jackson was in, they take them off all their meds, which makes them crazy and then they sedate them, and begin trying to figure out which meds made them ill to begin ain't pretty and there's no since hanging around for the first few days, its a sit and wait i'll go and see him tonight.....hey, here's another of my famous " have to laugh to keep from cryin" bits....
Dad as i may have mentioned has alzheimers and in some ways its been a blessing, cause he was difficult to handle when he remembered "who he thought he was" and that was pretty much God of the that he pretty much doesn't remember a damn thing, its play it by ear and like he is introducing himself to everyone every day....and life can be grand when you don't have bad memories or remember which kid you want to give grief anyway now he on a daily basis pretty much picks up pieces of things from television or perhaps a bad dream or some obscure thought he had and runs with it...For example, last month I spent a day with him and learned things like the fact that my brother was/is the Admiral of the Navy, also that my dad has had several black men that he has pistol whipped (why? I asked) " Well, hell I don't know why, they just keep coming back and asking for it and I have to beat the crap out of em ever day" ....looks toward the window at this point and says..."What time is it?" I reply with time and he says " Humph, those sonsabitches are running late" as you see life with dad is really something different.... THis latest episode he had over the past weekend was traumatizing for his wife.....she woke up to him crawling around the house and trying to peep out the windows on his hands and knees....she asked him what he was doing and he begins to tell her to "get down damn it, get down"......then he lays down and starts begging her to not turn him in......Turn him in? for what.....
"I'm the one that set Downtown on fire....I had to and now they are out there and they want to kill me.

he refused to get up off the floor and she had to call 911 and have them come and take him to hospital...... you'd have to know my dad and what a pistol he thought he was to appreciate this whole thing.......and because i want her to earn all of my inheritance(as if there was one..)I find it easier in this instance to laugh to keep from .......well you know......


Blogger Aunt Jackie said...

You're the greatest! Your posts always give me something to think about... Keep it up. "Write them and they will come!!!" hehe Keep the faith. CCMM

7:20 AM  
Blogger Aunt Jackie said...

Well, I had hoped it would be a real person... but hmmm. Just thinking more on your Dad... What the mind can do to us.

7:09 AM  

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